Contact Us

At Best Beers we always strive to improve our processes and just do better overall. Our most valued feedback comes from our customers. We encourage you to share your experiences and opinions with us regarding your interactions with Best Beers employees. Critical feedback will not endanger anyone’s employment, but will instead help us focus our attention where it’s needed.

General inquires and customer feedback will be received and directed to the appropriate Supervisor.

4265 West Vernal Pike
Bloomington, IN 47404

Office Hours:
Monday to Saturday: 8:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Phone: (812) 332-1234
Fax: (812) 332-6818

    Category *


    Name *

    Email *



    Message/Comments *


    Would you like Best Beers to follow up and contact you regarding your request *


    If you’re having trouble using one of our forms, please call Best Beers Inc. at (812) 332-1234.